Web Projects
I write and edit all general and elevated Membership event pages for mfa.org, as well as any Marketing, Corporate, Planned Giving, and general Development web pages. Check out my work!
Check out the landing page for MFA, Boston, member events, all of which I edited. The page only includes upcoming events. All past events fall off the landing page once they occur.
Take a look at a landing page of MFA, Boston, Patron events, all of which I edited. This page only includes upcoming events. All past events fall off the landing page once they occur.
Explore a landing page of MFA, Boston, Curators Circles events. You can find links to landing pages for individual groups, or Circles, (Art of the Americas through Textiles), all of which I edited. These pages only include upcoming events. All past events fall off the landing page once they occur.
This links to a landing page of MFA, Boston, Museum Council events, all of which I edited. Only includes upcoming events. All past events fall off the landing page once they occur.
MFA Corporate Sponsorship web page.
Look into a brochure I wrote and edited for our Museum Council, MFA Travel, Patrons, and Curators Circles members. This annual brochure sends around Labor Day and lives as a PDF on mfa.org.